V Link Wins Integrated Radio Trunking System Order From NLC India Limited

Announcing the Deal Win for Supply Installation testing Optimization and Commissioning of Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) in Mines I, IA, and Mines II, from M/s NLC INDIA LIMITED. This project is expected to be completed with in 180 days upon receipt of License from Ministry of Communications New Delhi.

VLINK is already the supplier of the existing Analogue Radio trunking system to NLC India Limited. The Analogue system was commissioned by VLINK in 2004 and is running successfully till now and is under Maintenance care of V LINK .

The current Digital system is aimed at replacing the existing Analogue Radio Trunking system in 800-870 MHZ band with Integrated Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) communication system in 800-870 MHZ to provide reliable and robust Digital Radio communication system there by improving the safety of the Mining workers.

VLINK has more than 15 Trained Engineers placed in NLC India Limited Township to ensure Immediate and Effective After sales support to NLC India Limited.